2025 Summer Session Enrollment 2025 Summer Session EnrollmentStudent and Family informationSelect one:*Current St. Paul's studentSibling of current studentSt. Paul's alumniCurrent date (mm/dd/yyyy)* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Child’s full name* First Middle Last DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Current age*Which sessions would you like to register your child for?* Toddler JUNE (June 2-27; Holiday on June 19) FULL. Please put me on the wait list. Primary JUNE (June 2-27; Holiday on June 19) Toddler JULY (July 7-31) FULL. Please put me on the wait list. Primary JULY (July 7-31) Elementary JULY (July 7-31) After School Care is for the entire month, Monday - Friday* JUNE: No ASC needed JUNE: Monday - Friday JULY: No ASC needed JULY: Monday - Friday We are considering allowing for weekly registration options. If weekly registration was offered, would you prefer the option to register by week (with priority given to full-month registration)? If so, select the weeks you would need.* No, I prefer monthly registration. Week of June 2 Week of June 9 Week of June 16 Week of June 23 Week of July 7 Week of July 14 Week of July 21 Week of July 28 Parent/Guardian #1 InformationParent/Guardian #1 Name*Relationship to child*Cell phone number*Email* Parent/Guardian #2 InformationParent/Guardian #2 NameRelationship to childCell phone numberEmail Summer Session 2025 Tuition Policies1. REGISTRATION: Registration form is due by May 12, 2025. Registration entails submitting a student’s registration form and required enrollment documents, and students cannot be accepted without these forms being completed before the start of the session. 2. INVOICING: Summer Session fees will be invoiced on the first day of the month you have registered for, and payment is due upon receipt of the invoice. You can pay online and will be charged a 3.5% fee. If paying by cash, check or money order the first day of school no additional fees will be incurred. A late fee of $35.00 will be added after the 5th of the month. 3. ENROLLMENT FORMS: New students MUST provide all enrollment and health forms for fall registration prior to the July 1st Summer Session start date. 4. WAITLIST: If Summer Session reaches maximum enrollment, a waitlist will be started and the school will contact you should a spot become available. 5. INSUFFICIENT ENROLLMENT: If there is insufficient enrollment by the registration deadline, the Summer Session will be canceled and all payments for the camp will be refunded. 6. CANCELLATION: Cancellations for June session are accepted up to May 20, 2025; Cancellations for July session are accepted up to June 20, 2025. After that date, no refunds will be issued unless the Summer Session is canceled. 7. ABSENCES: There is no prorating for absences. 8. ACCOUNT BALANCE: All previous balances from the regular school year must be paid in full in order to be accepted to Summer Session. 9: DISCOUNTS: Discounts, financial aid, and scholarships are not available for Summer Session.Terms and Conditions Acknowledgement, By submitting this Summer Session Registration form:* I understand that when my child’s Summer Session application is accepted, I am committing to payment of invoices received for registered sessions. I will submit all required enrollment paperwork prior to the start of my child's Summer Session. I have read and agree to all policies listed in the above section entitled "Summer Session 2025 Tuition Policies". CAPTCHASignature*