“Our aim is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core.”
– Maria Montessori
The Toddler Community
The Toddler program at St. Paul’s includes children in the age range of 18 months to 3 years. Children do not need to be toilet trained to be enrolled in the Toddler Program.
The student-teacher ratio is 1 teacher for each 6 children. Morning care and after-school care are available. See our fee schedule for options and cost.

- Provide an environment where children are free to explore and grow cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally
- Foster self confidence and a good self-image
- Develop a positive attitude toward learning
- Enhance social skills
- Introduce developmentally appropriate Art and Music curriculum materials
In the Toddler Program, we are working on skills that will prepare the child to be able to understand academic concepts. In order for the mind to process learning, learning must first be done through the hands. Toddler children are provided with a fluid learning environment and hands-on activities that meet their developmental needs in the areas of cognition, gross and fine motor skills, language, independence, and social skills.
Our Toddler Program also focuses on toileting independence. Children have many opportunities to learn about the needs and sensations of their bodies, as well as working on undressing and dressing themselves independently.