Field Trip September 14, 2020 by Macleay Martinez Events > 2020 > September > Field TripAbout this event:Created by Macleay MartinezTook place on September 15, 2020 from 8:00 am to 11:00 amWe are going to the Witte Museum! After School Program and Morning Care-Toddler AFC Full! Please complete the form below:Select Year*2024-252025-26Name of Child(ren)*Classroom Level*ToddlerPrimaryElementaryPlease check the number of days a week attending (Morning Care Program)*5 Days/Week - $90.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$15/morning Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Please check the number of days a week attending (Morning Care Program)*5 Days/Week - $95.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$15/morning Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Please check the number of days a week attending (After School Program) - Toddler*5 Days/Week - $300.00/month4 Days/Week - $240.00/month3 Days/Week - $180.00/month2 Days/Week - $120.00/month1 Day/Week - $60.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$25/day Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Stay over into Basic After School Before/After enrichmentPlease check the number of days a week attending (After School Program) - Toddler*5 Days/Week - $310.00/month4 Days/Week - $248.00/month3 Days/Week - $186.00/month2 Days/Week - $124.00/month1 Day/Week - $62.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$25/day Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Stay over into Basic After School Before/After enrichmentPlease check the number of days a week attending (After School Program) - Primary*5 Days/Week - $300.00/month4 Days/Week - $240.00/month3 Days/Week - $180.00/month2 Days/Week - $120.00/month1 Day/Week - $60.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$25/day Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Stay over into Basic After School Before/After enrichmentPlease check the number of days a week attending (After School Program) - Primary*5 Days/Week - $310.00/month4 Days/Week - $248.00/month3 Days/Week - $186.00/month2 Days/Week - $124.00/month1 Day/Week - $62.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$25/day Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Stay over into Basic After School Before/After enrichmentPlease check the number of days a week attending (After School Program) - Elementary*5 Days/Week - $200.00/month4 Days/Week - $175.00/month3 Days/Week - $135.00/month2 Days/Week - $100.00/month1 Day/Week - $55.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$25/day Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Stay over into Basic After School Before/After enrichmentPlease check the number of days a week attending (After School Program) - Elementary*5 Days/Week - $275.00/month4 Days/Week - $220.00/month3 Days/Week - $165.00/month2 Days/Week - $110.00/month1 Day/Week - $60.00/monthNOT APPLICABLE$25/day Drop–In (Must email or call prior to ensure availability) Stay over into Basic After School Before/After enrichmentDays of Week* Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday None Signature of Parent* Remember, by signing your child up for the After School Program or Morning Care Program, you are making a commitment for the entire semester. The selected fee will appear on your monthly Tuition Statement. After school care is available daily until 5:15 p.m., Parents picking up children after 5:30 p.m. will be assessed a fee of $10.00 per minute per child. Morning Care is available daily from 7:30 a.m.CAPTCHA