Problem-solving Chores often involve decision-making, which is a necessary part of problem-solving. For instance, your child might need to brainstorm how to clean up a sticky mess or how to fold laundry of various sizes and materials. These mini-challenges help develop resourcefulness, creative thinking, and confidence, all of which will benefit your kid later in […]
Author Archives: Cathy Scherrey
10 Ideas for Setting up a Montessori Space at Home for Your Toddler
By Elizabeth Villalobos, YCC Lead at Post Oak Montessori in Houston, TX Setting up a Montessori-inspired play space can be simple, without the need to buy anything! A Montessori environment is designed to encourage independence and concentration. With degrees in both interior design and Montessori, I hope to share with you how design and learning […]
Celebrating Advent with Children

The month before Christmas has got to be the longest time of year for kids! Patience is a hard virtue for children to begin with, so having to wait and wait for the big day can be tough. It doesn’t help that Christmas decorations go on sale so early, and that radio stations begin playing […]
4 Ways to celebrate Thanksgiving with children – Respectfully

By Jen Lumanlan | Do you have memories of dressing up like Pilgrims and Indians for the annual Thanksgiving school play? Many Americans grew up hearing the tale of the First Thanksgiving repeated by books, teachers, and parents and came to accept this as fact although many of us are now realizing that this […]
Positive Discipline

If true discipline is about teaching, not punishing, then what practical tips and tools should we reach for instead when it comes to discipline in parenting? Ms. Bridgette, Lead Guide at Guidepost Montessori at Ogden, is a certified trainer in Positive Discipline. Below, she offers concrete solutions for how parents can navigate challenging behaviors and […]
The Construction of the Will Through Freedom

By: Macleay Martinez THE INNER CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHILD Montessori recognized that human beings are born with potentialities rather than just with instincts that determine their behavior throughout their lives. This is a crucial factor in separating human beings from animals. It enables infants to learn the language of whatever group of people they find […]
The First Plane of Development: Birth to Age 6
Courtesy of: North American Montessori Center’s Montessori Teacher Training Blog Most modern educational philosophy centers around the theory that growth, development, and learning occur on a steady linear continuum from birth to early adulthood. Montessori philosophy on how humans learn differs in some key ways: Maria Montessori believed learning for children and youth occurred […]
The “Second Plane” (6-12 Year Old) Child
By: Simone Davies of The Montessori Notebook I have a lot of compassion for elementary-aged children. We think of them as rude, disorderly, and unkempt. They judge, criticize and answer back. They push away their family in favor of friends. Yet they report their friends’ wrongdoings to adults, while remaining loyal to their group even […]
Everyday Science at Home

This week’s blog post is an article taken from Montessori Services/For Small Hands, which is a wonderful place to buy games, toys, and Montessori-inspired materials for your child to have at home. St. Paul’s is participating in a fundraiser with For Small Hands – we receive credits to put towards school purchases when you place […]
Getting Back Into the Routine!
As children (and adults) get back into the routine of being at school, they go through an adjustment period, which can show itself in a variety of ways including big feelings, tantrums, withdrawal, opposition, and difficulty sleeping. Here are some ways you can support your child as they adjust after being out of the classroom […]