Teacher Spotlight 2024-2025

Celebrating Epiphany

On Sunday, we celebrated Epiphany. This special time commemorates the visit of the three Magi (or Kings) to the Christ child. The three kings followed a star set by the angel Gabriel to guide them to the Baby Jesus. The kings traveled a long way to worship the new King of Kings and bring him […]

Always Learning

One of the best parts of Montessori is that we are encouraged to keep learning and growing, even when we’re the guides. This past Friday, many of our guides traveled to Houston to attend a training session on Positive Discipline. It is the method that we, and many other Montessori schools, use to help our […]

A Global Village

This Fall, the Upper Elementary class has been participating in an international learning program called Level Up Village. The class was paired with a class at INAM (Instituto Anglo-Mexicano), a bilingual and multicultural school, in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. Each student was given a partner to work with. Over the period of a couple of […]

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving and were able to spend quality time with your family and friends. We’re excited to be back (and that there are only 3 weeks until Christmas vacation!) and we have so many wonderful things coming up between now and the end of the year that we hope you’ll […]

Mindfulness & Gratitude

Greetings from Primary 3! In Primary Three, we are excited about the enthusiasm our students have shown towards our weekly “mindfulness” practices. Our students have been taught that the word mindfulness means: “Paying full attention to what is happening around you with your whole body, your whole heart, and your whole mind. This is done […]

Wild West Book Fair

Yeehaw, pardner! It’s time for our annual Book Fair and this year’s theme is the wild Wild West. From November 12-17, all cowboys and cowgirls are encouraged to visit the Book Fair before and after school to pick out the perfect books. Classes will visit the Book Fair throughout the week to make a list […]

All Saints’ Day

In the Episcopal Church, along with many other churches, November 1st is All Saints’ Day.  The origins of the feast go back to when Christians would share the relics of the local saints with their neighbors in surrounding towns for local celebrations.  Over time, this evolved into a singular festival of all the saints commemorated […]

A Day at Mitchell Lake

Last Friday, our Elementary students visited Mitchell Lake Audubon Center! We learned about the importance of soil and wetlands for our environment and how pollution can destroy natural habitats. We also got to learn how to sample insects to discover how healthy a water body is and we discovered ways to determine what kind of […]

Now We’re Cooking

There is one activity in the Montessori classroom that exposes children to math, language and science, while helping develop concentration, motor skills, and delayed gratification. It doesn’t take place regularly in most schools but it is always found in a Montessori environment…food preparation and cooking! Whether it is slicing bananas or hard-boiled eggs, chopping vegetables, […]