Teacher Spotlight 2024-2025

Admin Spotlight

This week’s Admin Spotlight is St. Paul’s Head of School, Macleay Martinez! Enjoy learning more about her down below! #montessori #adminspotlight #headofschool #leadership #stpaulsepiscopalmontessorischool

Admin Spotlight

Introducing St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori School’s Admin Spotlight! It follows the Teacher Spotlight, but with the Admin Team! Our first feature is Sylvia Martinez. Learn more about her below! #admin #montessori #stpaulsepiscopalmontessorischool

Teacher Spotlight

This week’s Teacher Spotlight is St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori School’s Primary After School Care Guide, Debra Enwereji! Enjoy learning a little more about her below! #montessori #teacherspotlight #stpaulsepiscopalmontessorischool #primary

Problem-solving 3 Year Olds

Problem-solving Chores often involve decision-making, which is a necessary part of problem-solving. For instance, your child might need to brainstorm how to clean up a sticky mess or how to fold laundry of various sizes and materials. These mini-challenges help develop resourcefulness, creative thinking, and confidence, all of which will benefit your kid later in […]

Teacher Spotlight

This week’s Teacher Spotlight is St. Paul Episcopal Montessori School’s Athletic Coach, Gina Regan! Enjoy learning a little more about her below! #teacherspotlight#montessori#school#stpaulsepiscopalmontessorischool This week’s Teacher Spotlight is St. Paul Episcopal Montessori School’s Athletic Coach, Gina Regan! Enjoy learning a little more about her below! #teacherspotlight #montessori #school #stpaulsepiscopalmontessorischool

Teacher Spotlight

This week’s Teacher Spotlight is St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori Music Director/Godly Play Guide, Rebecca Koch! Enjoy learning more about her below! #montessori #teacherspotlight #stpaulsepiscopalmontessorischool