Teacher Spotlight 2024-2025

Valentine’s Day… the St. Paul’s Way!

The origin of Valentine’s Day seems to have begun as a feast day for Saint Valentine, though its connection to love and romance is somewhat unclear. It could have been that Saint Valentine performed weddings for those forbidden to marry, or because of the “lovebirds” who were courting at the start of the spring season. […]

The Secret of Childhood

Montessori Infants and Toddlers: Maximum Effort “The child does not follow the law of the least effort, but a law directly contrary. They use an immense amount of energy over an unsubstantial end, and they spend, not only driving energy, but intensive energy in the exact execution of every detail.” Maria Montessor, The Secret of […]

Celebrating Advent with Children

The month before Christmas has got to be the longest time of year for kids! Patience is a hard virtue for children to begin with, so having to wait and wait for the big day can be tough. It doesn’t help that Christmas decorations go on sale so early, and that radio stations begin playing […]

Positive Discipline

If true discipline is about teaching, not punishing, then what practical tips and tools should we reach for instead when it comes to discipline in parenting? Ms. Bridgette, Lead Guide at Guidepost Montessori at Ogden, is a certified trainer in Positive Discipline. Below, she offers concrete solutions for how parents can navigate challenging behaviors and […]

The Construction of the Will Through Freedom

By: Macleay Martinez THE INNER CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHILD Montessori recognized that human beings are born with potentialities rather than just with instincts that determine their behavior throughout their lives. This is a crucial factor in separating human beings from animals.  It enables infants to learn the language of whatever group of people they find […]