Don’t Mess with Texas

Students have been hard at work in art class making posters for the “Take Care of Texas” Art Contest! K-5 students are asked to submit a unique piece of artwork portraying positive ways to take care of Texas, all while learning about ways to protect the environment and conserve our state’s natural resources. 16 winners […]
Nurturing the Spirit of the Child

How would you describe your child’s spirit? You might find that a tough question to answer. What do we mean by “spirit,” really? I like this definition by Mechele Pruitt, Director of Parents Place “Spirit is the type of energy we bring: whether to a room, a conversation, our work, a musical instrument, or other […]
Creating Care in the Classroom

This month in Primary 2, we are learning about the importance of caring for our world. We are sharing what we know and are learning about other ways to help keep it clean and beautiful. The children have learned how to help keep our indoor environment clean and beautiful. Even though it’s a continual learning […]
Exploring Time

Happy New Year! Our children have a different sense of time than we do as adults. Have you noticed that on a playground 10 minutes can last past an hour? In fact, most children don’t understand the concept of time until they are past six years old. We build our innate sense of time by […]
Celebrating the Nativity Anew

It’s Christmas time at St. Paul’s. The hallways have been full of chatter about breaks from school, presents, and travel plans, and decorations, baked goods, and other treats have appeared everywhere you look. It has been a time of anticipation and excitement. After weeks of hard work and preparation, our Elementary children will once again […]
Feeding the Body, Feeding the Mind

During the months of November and December, the toddler community has been learning about FOOD. “What happens when we cook this? What happens when we eat this? It nourishes our bodies. It makes us big and strong!” These are some of the conversations we have to get them excited about food! Food helps strengthen relationships, […]
Internet Safety

Technology can be a wonderful thing, with the ability to connect to family thousands of miles away, find out the answers to questions almost immediately, and explore new worlds online. It can also be dangerous, however, and it’s important to make sure that we know what students are doing online and how to teach them […]
A Day Away

At the beginning of November, the Upper Elementary class took a field trip (or, perhaps more accurately, a “day retreat”) to the Bishop Jones Center, a 19-acre site owned by the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. After setting up our home base in the Chapel House, we spent the whole day working, creating, and playing […]
Welcome to the Enchanted Forest

Take a stroll through the forest, drop a coin in the well, and meet mysterious creatures at the Enchanted Forest Book Fair! From November 11-16, fairies and gnomes of all ages are encouraged to visit the Book Fair before and after school to pick out the perfect books. Classes will visit the Book Fair throughout […]
Sew Good!

Sewing in the Montessori classroom fosters creativity, develops fine motor skills, and strengthens finger dexterity. Sewing is a work that students can continually improve and build on, learning many essential life skills. The children of Primary 1 have been enjoying many new sewing projects this fall! The children are dedicated to the projects they choose […]