Building Attention Spans: Multi-Step Work for Toddlers

As a guide, we have to continue to challenge our students by presenting fun work with longer sequences of steps. For the older children who have mastered lots of the work and are prepared to transition to Primary, multi-step work is a good introduction to the tasks they will handle once they move up.

Here, I have provided work with over 20 steps, combining everything they have practiced over the school year. From rolling/unrolling aprons to opening & closing the materials and cleaning up spills (as learned during practical life work), students are using all the skills they’ve develop in an art and sensory activity. As they do watercolor, they are also discovering how primary colors can blend together to make new colors.

These connections between individual works and materials is a key step in preparing to transition to the next phase of learning. Developing the patience and attention span to focus on a single long-form activity is one of the many skill sets our Toddlers learn.

Areas of Focus:

Fine motor: twisting and squeezing; rolling and unrolling

Gross motor: holding tray with materials; balancing

Concentration: balancing the tray with materials to the sink for clean-up

Language: talking about what they are making

Cognitive: following a sequence of steps