The first few weeks of school are a big transition for us all as we adjust from the slower pace of summer into the routine of carline. We see signs of adjustments to new sleep schedules in all ages of students from toddlers to upper elementary. It can be even harder for younger children as they also adjust nap times. If you are still struggling with a late riser and challenging bedtimes look at the chart below for helpful guidelines around sleep recommendations. Of course, we can’t always hit the pillow on schedule, but these are helpful guidelines for making sure your student gets enough rest, and can focus and have enough energy for a successful day at school. The ranges vary so if in doubt monitor your child..if he/she is grumpy in the morning and lethargic during the day there may not be enough sleep.
In addition to these recommendations the AAP suggests that all screen be turned off 30 minutes before bedtime and that TV computers and other screens not be allowed in children‘s bedrooms. For infants and young children, establishing a bedtime routine is important to ensuring children get adequate sleep each night. The AAP program, Brush, Book, Bed,” is available at
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