Teacher Spotlight 2024-2025

Holy Days, Ancient Ways

St. Paul’s suspends classes in observance of Good Friday.  While not all of our families, faculty, or staff are Episcopalian, the school closes to observe one of the most solemn three-day periods in our tradition. Through the period of Lent and especially as we approach the Holy Week, many Christians are thinking about and reflecting […]

A Look From Above: The 45 Layout

The older children in Primary 2 have been working on the 45 layout throughout the year (also known as The Bird’s Eye View). It is a concrete representation of place value using the golden beads. It consists of: 45 Golden Units 45 golden ten bars 45 hundred squares 45 thousand cubes a large set of […]

Practical Pizza

Sometimes we may look at a toddler-age child and think, “they’re way too young to cook! I can’t let them in the kitchen!” While it’s true that your toddler probably won’t wander into the kitchen and whip you up a 5-course gourmet meal, they absolutely can start helping with meal prep. More than just being […]

Rising Science

Thank you to everyone who volunteered at “Rising Science,” our 2018 Science Fair. Our students had a fantastic time and the feedback that they received from our experts will be of great help to them in fine-tuning their future projects. We are so proud of all of our students! Our Elementary and kindergarten-aged Primary students […]

Joy of Service

When you hear the phrase “community service,” you may think of volunteering at a Food Bank or spending a Saturday cleaning up a park or road. You may also think of organizations like the Junior League or United Way, which bring together members to complete large-scale projects for various nonprofits in the community. At St. […]

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is an important day of repentance and fasting in the Episcopal Church, as well as many other churches. Most of us who have lived in San Antonio or other cities with large Catholic populations have probably seen people with ash crosses on their foreheads. The imposition of ashes on the heads of the […]

Big Thoughts for Little People

Character education is one of the most important aspects of the Montessori curriculum across all ages. One of our greatest resources for helping children develop a strong moral character is the Bible. It is full of great truths and lessons about being a good person and making God happy when we do the things he […]

Partying at the Italian Feast

We had an amazing time at the Italian Feast this year! A huge thank you to all of our sponsors who made this event possible We also want to thank our fantastic volunteers who helped cook, serve, greet guests, bus tables, tend bar, and basically made sure the whole event ran perfectly! Mike Crawley    […]

Completing the Cycle

As you plan for your child’s future schooling we encourage you to view this video from the American Montessori Society. We hope this video will provide more information about the benefits of having your child stay in a Montessori classroom for his or her pivotal kindergarten year. What is the “three-year cycle”? The three-year cycle […]

Decomp Romp!

Last week, our friends at Mitchell Lake Audubon Center came to visit and talk to our Primary classes about the wonders of decomposition. We learn a lot about the food chain but sometimes we forget about one of the most important links-the decomposers! We often think of decomposers as icky, but they play a vital […]