The second virtue for our school community is Gratitude

The holiday season is an especially good time to consider all that we have to be grateful for and to reflect on the ways that we practice gratitude in our lives. Being thankful strengthens our relationships and our connection to our community, and studies show that expressing appreciation makes us happier and more compassionate people. […]
Terrific Twos!

We know very well, in theory, that the first six years of the child’s life are the foundation on which the rest of their life rests. A child’s distinct personality asserts itself long before those six years are over. What seems like frustrating behavior, on the surface, is simply the child’s attempt to break out […]
No, Your Kid Shouldn’t Get a Gold Star for Reading by Pamela Paul

“Reading is not only fundamental to academic achievement, it’s also crucial to developing other measurable skills like executive function and social behavior. We are all agreed that reading makes you more knowledgeable and a better learner. What’s becoming more and more clear is that it also makes you a better-adjusted, better human being. Who wouldn’t […]
Practical life in a Montessori Classroom

Practical life in a Montessori classroom The child in the toddler and primary class is introduced to lessons in Practical Life, which are unique to the Montessori early childhood environment. Practical Life activities are the activities of everyday life and include activities that teach the child how to take care of himself and his environment, […]
Lower Elementary Integrated Botany Study

Lower Elementary students examined the world through an integrated study of botany. Ms. Marsha led the study as part of her final project toward Montessori Teacher Certification. One area of study was exploring plant life from the cellular level. Third year students built their own plant cells identifying each part. Following an introduction to types […]

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16 The Bible teaches small children (and all of us) about Christian living -that is, how to be good! Primary chapel is at 9:00 […]
How Much Sleep

The first few weeks of school are a big transition for us all as we adjust from the slower pace of summer into the routine of carline. We see signs of adjustments to new sleep schedules in all ages of students from toddlers to upper elementary. It can be even harder for younger children as […]
Camp Capers Trip

Every year, the students of the Upper Elementary community go off to Camp Capers for a couple of days. All year they have been reminiscing about funny moments and memories from the Capers trip they took the year before, which was my first clue as to how much this event meant to them as a […]
The Art & Science of Being Happy

Altruism, awe, compassion, connection, empathy, forgiveness, gratitude, happiness, mindfulness, social connection, these are all keys to well-being. I’m an optimist; I try to always look at the brighter side of things, the silver lining. When things are bothering me about something or someone, I always try to put myself in that situation before blowing over. […]
Summer is Coming

It’s only April and temperatures are already on the rise, which means summer is coming! Have you decided how your family will be spending the hot summer months? From traveling to nature hikes to camps on every subject imaginable, there is no shortage of ways to spend the long days between when school lets out […]